Friday, September 4, 2009

Which Grandma?


  1. hi Susan,
    I like grandma 1 better! she looks a little older. very cute

  2. I like the more snazzy one, but I know publishers will probably say the plainer one is more Grandma-ish! I guess it depends a little on the storyline too. The snazzy one appeals to me most though :o)

  3. Hi Susan,
    It kind of depends on what type of character she's meant to be! The top character looks a little more grandmotherly and softer, whereas the bottom one looks a little "brasher," (but fun!)

  4. Hi Sue, I agree that it depends on who she is supposed to be. Often publishers like characters who go against "type," by the way. I would go with the one you like, then if they have an issue about her, you could offer an alternative. I like the more fun-looking lady myself (#2).
